Thursday, June 18, 2009

strawberry picking (I mean raspberry!)

Today was the day we decided to go strawberry picking.  Instead of having our usual leisurely summer morning, we got ready right after breakfast and drove to Stokes Berry Farm.  I wasn't too sure what to expect - it was an overcast morning and sprinkles started soon after we were on the way.  The rows of strawberries were already picked over, and after only picking two small quarts we were kind of ready to leave.  I'm so glad that we didn't!  

Next week was supposed to be the beginning of the farm's raspberry picking season.  Some were already ripe, so we decided to check them out before heading home.

There was fun along the way to the raspberry rows... 

and fun racing in the raspberry rows...

and lots of eating fresh picked raspberries along the way.

I wish I had some pictures of the yellow raspberries that we picked, but Lio and Paloma ate them as fast as we were picking them.  Those raspberries were such a great surprise and made for a wonderful morning!


  1. it's amazing how early strawberry season actually is! the raspberries look amazing. are you eating all of them, or making some jam?

  2. i think i might flash freeze some if any are left over by tomorrow. the plan was to make jam, but the kids are just gobbling them down!
