Monday, July 6, 2009

Dinosaur Park

Welcome to the Dinosaur Park. Today Lio and Paloma worked for most of the morning creating a park with their toy dinosaurs. They made signs that they posted all over the house advertising their park. So....of course we checked it out. Lio was waiting by the playroom door with his toy cash register. It would cost us 25 cents each and an extra penny if we wanted to feed the dinosaurs.

After we made it through the entrance we were greeted with a stage presentation...outlining the safety precautions for the park. It was quite entertaining.

Here is the picture of the park. Notice the separation between the triassic, the jurassic and the cretaceous period dinosaurs. They had a lot of fun setting things up and we had a lot of fun seeing them play together and use their imagination.

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of when we used to have performances and put up fliers around the house when we were little.
