Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Not a day goes by without Lio and Paloma asking for a kitten.  Although I have had 3 cats in my life, I am not a cat person.  I can honestly say that when those cats were gone from my life, I did not miss them at all.  No sir.  Not the hair all over my clothes.  Not the hair balls on the rugs.  Not the scratches on the furniture.  Not the vet bills.  Will a pet ever be a part of our lives?  I would  like to think so since the kids seem to love animals so much.  (But I secretly hope not.)

Paloma's favorite game of late has been playing "Pet Store".  There is a script involved, where I have to always go into the room and say, "Are there any _________ (fill in with cats, dogs, etc.) available?"  Then I have to pay for her and take her home and treat her like the animal.  Sure it's fun for awhile, but every second of every day?

I'm not sure which will drive me more crazy - a real pet, or my Paloma pet.  And don't even get me started on Lio's "Pet Store"  pretend animal of choice, which is usually a dragon of some sort.  And let me tell you, he gets mad if I'm not up on my dragon facts and don't know the proper way to care for him.    


  1. Emma has her life all figured out: She will live on Chatham Rd, be a hairdresser/jewelry maker/ clothing designer and have a beagle AND a schnauzer. I say, "Let them have the pets when they are on their own!"

    But the hamsters were quite the learning experience!

  2. gee, i wish i had my life figured out!
