Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Fevers

It is absolutely gorgeous outside!  I have spring fever in the worst way.  I can't wait for the warmer weather to be here to stay.  Goodbye coats, hats, mittens and boots!  We all seem to be much happier when we can get outside and get fresh air.  And boy do we need it this week.  Lio has been running a fever since Sunday and has been home from school.  I think he's pretty happy about not going to kindergarten, and that really makes my heart sad.  Paloma is running a little fever now, too.  I guess we all have Spring Fever in our own way.



  1. Hopefully you guys will be fever free by Sunday- I'm looking forward to seeing you guys. I was hoping for some extra time before the Pfeiffer Party.

  2. wish i was playing with you guys!! looks like they were having fun.
