Monday, December 28, 2009

playroom love - not as much

So, the excitement about changing the playroom space for Lio and Paloma was completely dashed one day before Christmas. When John was getting ready to install the hanging things from the ceiling, we realized that there was no possible way to safely install everything without doing some construction to the ceiling. If this was our "forever" house, we would go for it. But with wanting to move we just thought it was a bad idea.

We were stuck without any other ideas of what to give the kids from us, so at the last minute we did paint the puppet theater and did our best to make the space look different and fun.

Even if I'm the one who's most disappointed that we didn't get to do our original idea, the kids do seem excited about the changes! Paloma has been loving playing "cafe" in the space, and Lio loves that the curtains can close and he can have a totally private area in the alcove. I'm still in the process of making tons of pillows for the couch, and I think with the small touches there can still be a bit of playroom love, only not as much as originally planned.

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