Today I'm having a little party for myself, and thought I'd invite you all to join. Excited?! Don't get your hopes up too high. It's actually a pity party. Hope you still want to come.
It's almost been 1 week since my first 5k. I did it. I finished. Was it glorious or amazing? Nope. My heel and ankle were hurting so bad, and I probably, make that definitely, should not have run on it. I went to a specialist, and he determined I have achilles tendonitis. It's fairly common in runners, from doing too much too fast. The thing is, I felt like I was really easing into it, going slow, following the program to a T (since I am a big rule follower). And I was feeling great, seeing results, knowing that I could do this 1/2 marathon training. Just goes to show that I am really not a runner, and my body knows it! The doctor prescribed lots of rest. No walking, no bike riding (which John and the kids are off doing this moment), basically nothing cardio that involves using feet. He also told me to go to physical therapy 2X week for 4 weeks. Really?! Is it that serious?! I decided to follow orders and be a good patient, be that rule follower that I am. The thing that really stinks about it is that I have to pay $25 for each visit!!! And the first visit is today, and my insurance is having me pay $50 today - $25 for the therapist evaluation, and another $25 for the treatment. So the course of treatment is going to cost me around $300 including that initial visit to the specialist, and his prescription to the pharmacy for Lidoderm patches to ease the pain. Not only am I going to lose all of that training I built up, but I'm also going to be out a lot of money that I could use on so many other things. If I didn't want to get back to training so bad, I would just skip that therapy and lounge at the pool for the rest of summer. And who is this person that wants to run crazy distances? Who have I become?! I know that there are much bigger problems in the world and in your lives, but I'm just feeling a little sorry for myself. Thanks for letting me let it all out.
Here are pics of the kids running their mile race - they did awesome and had lots of fun! So proud of them, and they are so proud of their ribbons!
girl, where is the pic of YOU running??:-)