I've got nothin' from today. No pictures, no activites. Our days are just lazy summer days, and with all of the rain I think we've been in a bit of a rut. It feels like we are busy, but just nothing special to tell. Why do I feel like I have to post every day? I think I'm gonna let myself have an out on that one - post a bit each week, but only if I have something really to share. Oh, wait. I do have some funny conversations that Lio and Paloma had today. Normal sibling stuff - and I know that I shouldn't laugh when it's going on, but it's just so funny to me. I think it's the words that come out of Paloma's mouth, and the tone of voice she uses. She sounds like someone's mom. Someone's mad and bossy mom. And I don't know where she comes up with the stuff. It doesn't sound like me. I hope.
So... we were driving in the car, and Lio was being his annoying big brother self and bugging her, touching things she had. This is what I heard from the front:
P: "Don't even think about it. Don't touch it. Don't look at it. Don't even think about it!"
L: "Hmmmmm. I'm thinking about it. I'm thinking about it. Hmmmmmmm. I'm thinking about it."
P: "LI-O! LI-O! I said to not even think about it. LI-O!" (getting louder and louder, and she really enunciates the 2 syllables in his name when she's in this mode)
L: "Hmmmmm. Hmmmmmmm. Hmmmmm. Thinking about it."
P: "LI-O. LI-O. LI-O!"
It was funny, but maybe you had to be there?
So maybe not posting every day from now on. Giving myself permission to let this turn into what it turns in to. No strict schedule/rules to follow. I follow rules and schedules too much - I'm gonna work on that.
Lio was really mad in this picture. He just has the best time teasing Paloma, but can't take it when the shoe's on the other foot:
