Today is Paloma's 4th Birthday! Instead of having a party, Paloma chose to have a special day where she planned the events. On the agenda - canoeing and going to the horse race track. I know - the race track is a strange request! For a few years she's heard John and Lio talk about a horse they met there named Corey, who liked to eat peppermints. I think she just wanted to meet Corey in person.

After enjoying the cupcakes that she helped bake and decorate, we got started on the day's festivities. The weather was calling for rain in the afternoon, so we decided to take the canoe trip in a few days when the weather is supposed to be nicer, and just spend some time visiting the horses.

Corey was indeed still there, and this time Lio got to feed him some peppermints!

We bet on a few races, and won $2.60 on one of them. Wooooo hooooo!
Happy Birthday, my dove. I love you.
PALOMA ROCKS! Happy Birthday Sweetie. Aunt Michelle