Just got back from a mountain bike race event for the kids! It was really cute - a course for the training wheel set that was mostly on pavement, and a tougher course through grass and trees (!) for older kids. You would have thought that we would have been prepared for the off-road aspect of the race given the words "mountain bike" in the event description, but nope, not us! Lio was all, "I have to ride in the grass?!" But he really loved it! Practiced the course a few times before it began, and wants to enter again in a few weeks. I had the hugest smile on my face watching him - just beaming with pride. He was so brave, and tried so hard, and just didn't give up. At one point he had to turn a corner, hop off his bike and run it up a small hill, then get back on and peddle some more. He got off to a strong start, but finished near the end of the pack. He's at the age where he's aware of not being the winner, but it didn't faze him at all and he wants to try it again. It was such a fun thing to watch your kid, who's usually pretty shy and an observer, jump into something and give it all he's got. I've got a huge smile on my face again just thinking about it.
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