You are invited to the wedding of Miss Paloma Lanzador and Mr. Azar Bassett, sometime in the next 30 or so years. Seriously, though. She absolutely loves him. Last night we met Azar and fam at an ice cream shop, and when Paloma heard the plans she jumped 10 feet in the air and said "I get to see my boyfriend!!!!!!" I think she could sit and watch him for days. She really does have something for him, and I think I see a little sparkle in his eye when he looks at her. Wishful thinking? Maybe, I do love that family. But still, save the date.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Save the Date!
You are invited to the wedding of Miss Paloma Lanzador and Mr. Azar Bassett, sometime in the next 30 or so years. Seriously, though. She absolutely loves him. Last night we met Azar and fam at an ice cream shop, and when Paloma heard the plans she jumped 10 feet in the air and said "I get to see my boyfriend!!!!!!" I think she could sit and watch him for days. She really does have something for him, and I think I see a little sparkle in his eye when he looks at her. Wishful thinking? Maybe, I do love that family. But still, save the date.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
girly girls
I don't consider myself much of a girly girl. Don't go to the salon to get a hair cut unless it's absolutely necessary, can count the times I've had a manicure or pedicure on one hand, and if you've seen me recently you know I don't get my brows threaded, let alone waxed. I don't get anything waxed while we're on that topic, although I should give my mustache, sideburns and beard some consideration. I think it's more my practical and frugal side that makes me this way, not because I wouldn't enjoy being pampered and feeling good, not to mention groomed. So when Paloma asked me if we could visit the salon together when she's older to get our toenails painted together, I was secretly excited. Maybe my girly side will come out more because of her!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Today was more than I imagined it could be! Having some Paloma time was just wonderful. She's so helpful - wants to unload dishes, fold laundry, help cook dinner. And she's really good at it. She also loves to work on little art projects, and doesn't worry yet about it being perfect. (I hope she never does... Lio has that perfectionism in him and it's so hard.) And did I mention that she loves to shop with me? I could really take her anywhere and she's content. To top it all off, she fell asleep and took a very rare nap, giving me a little time alone today. Now we did play "Are there any cats available" today, but I set some limits and told her we would play that game only once a day! I think I'm really going to love this alone time with her. She's just so easy right now.
Monday, August 24, 2009

Today was Lio's 1st day of 1st grade. I'm sure that I was way more nervous than he was. I mean, come on, at school for an entire day? Paloma and I really missed him. We heard the bus taking the kindergardeners home around lunch time, and couldn't even believe that Lio had 4 more hours left until he came home!
Lio really didn't want to take the bus to school - said it's too hot and loud in the morning, but was content to take it home. I'm happy to take him - it is why I'm home, right? And if it makes him feel better starting school I'm all for it. (We'll see if my attitude changes once the weather gets cold!) We drove to school and parked a block away so we could walk him to his classroom.
Once we got to the doors, parents were sent away. I couldn't believe I wasn't allowed to walk him to his room! I wasn't really prepared to say goodbye yet, and just wanted to make sure he was settled. That's probably the exact reason they don't allow us clingy parents in! He was so brave (just a glimmer of hesitation in his eyes) and just walked on in. I really had to fight back the tears as Paloma and I walked away.
Keeping Paloma busy all day was exhausting in and of itself. I could really tell she missed her big brother, even though they have been like oil and water for the past week. We went to the grocery, and she was very thoughtful in picking things out that Lio would like. A few times she commented on how quiet it was. I'm definitely going to have to have a plan for us each day!
I pre-warned her that he would probably be tired when he got home, and that meant grumpy. But it was actually the opposite! He was happy to sit and talk to me, and wanted me to ask him questions about his day. I'm hoping that this 1st day of 1st grade is just a glimpse of the year to come. I can't believe how big and brave he is. I'm so proud of him.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
the "non-shower"
Co-hosting Jamie's baby shower (the "non-shower" as I liked to call it) this past weekend was such a privilege! She is the most giving person that I have ever met, and with the difficult pregnancy she's had I thought she deserved to have the focus on her. Yes, I'm super excited about the baby girl she's having in a few weeks, but I also wanted to honor the amazing person that she is! I wanted the shower to be about doing things for her. I have no doubt that little girl will be showered with gifts once she arrives!

John took the kids to visit Lola and Lola the night before, so I had lots of time to prepare. It was so nice leaving a room clean and tidy, and to return to the same room - still clean and tidy! Just having the time to get everything ready was so nice - hanging lanterns and placing flowers, getting the food ready and dishes set out, and did I mention it staying clean and tidy? So thanks for doing that, John!
All of the guests were wonderful people, and everyone brought along very tasty dishes to share. I was a bit overwhelmed with how generous and helpful everyone was, but that's just a testament to how loved Jamie is.

And her friends are creative, too! Sandy made her this amazing purse/diaper bag that was just beautiful. I think it's reversible, too. Sandy didn't intend for it to be reversible, but I looked inside and it was finished so well. What a thoughtful and beautiful gift.

So now it's onto preparing to shower that baby with gifts and love, as well as her bigger brother and sister. What an exciting time for a wonderful family!
Monday, August 17, 2009
cutting garden
Last week I went to the Farmer's Market to get some flowers for Jamie's baby shower. There was a beautiful selection from a cutting garden - different varieties of sunflowers, zinnias, and even some wonderful smelling herbs. I bought up all I could, knowing it would help make the celebration more colorful and fun. The flowers reminded me of the cutting garden I planted every year at our old house. I had fresh cut flowers in the house all summer, and they just made me happy. Just one more thing that I didn't get to this past spring, but that I promise myself I will have again next year!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
cupcakes and canoes, birthday part 2
The weather was absolutely perfect for the 2nd part of Paloma's special Birthday day - canoeing! We packed a picnic lunch and stopped at a rocky beach to enjoy. The kids loved wading out into the water, and even rode the current down stream a few times. We saw lots of jumping fish, a heron, and a damselfly landed on Paloma's toes. A truly perfect way to spend one of our last days of summer.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Happy Birthday!

Corey was indeed still there, and this time Lio got to feed him some peppermints!
Monday, August 10, 2009
family portrait
Thursday, August 6, 2009
A Meal Fit For The King
Hey hey....Its me John, the guest blogger. I've heard that Elvis Presley's favorite meal was hot peanut butter and banana sandwich. Vicki has introduced our future Martha Stewart to this delicacy. She loves to help Vicki out in the kitchen. She even decided that she would slice her own banana and place it on her peanut butter sandwich. One day I'm hoping that she will be making meals for everyone in the house.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
bike race

Just got back from a mountain bike race event for the kids! It was really cute - a course for the training wheel set that was mostly on pavement, and a tougher course through grass and trees (!) for older kids. You would have thought that we would have been prepared for the off-road aspect of the race given the words "mountain bike" in the event description, but nope, not us! Lio was all, "I have to ride in the grass?!" But he really loved it! Practiced the course a few times before it began, and wants to enter again in a few weeks. I had the hugest smile on my face watching him - just beaming with pride. He was so brave, and tried so hard, and just didn't give up. At one point he had to turn a corner, hop off his bike and run it up a small hill, then get back on and peddle some more. He got off to a strong start, but finished near the end of the pack. He's at the age where he's aware of not being the winner, but it didn't faze him at all and he wants to try it again. It was such a fun thing to watch your kid, who's usually pretty shy and an observer, jump into something and give it all he's got. I've got a huge smile on my face again just thinking about it.
Monday, August 3, 2009
summer hike
I cannot believe how beautiful the weather has been! The fact that we haven't had the air conditioner on for over a month is pretty amazing. I love it! We've been spending lots of time outside - riding bikes, reading on the porch, and yesterday we went for a hike in the woods. I don't think we've been since early spring, but we braved the bugs and poison ivy and had a great adventure.
Finding rocks to skip and throw is always lots of fun.
John and I keep telling the kids how lucky they are to have both their mom AND dad home all summer, but it's all they've ever known so it isn't such a big deal to them. But it's a HUGE deal to us. We realize how lucky we are to have so much wonderful family time together.
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