Today Lio brought home his artwork for the quarter from his kindergarten art class. Here's the picture he drew and painted of our house. It's pretty cute (even after going to the art show and realizing there was a "formula" to follow since everyone's looked just about the same)!

This is his self-portrait that was on display at the Amelia library. Love those thumbs! (Paloma even commented on how chubby they were!) Love those ears! Just a year ago I remember how upset I was when his pre-school teacher said he wasn't drawing stick figures yet. I knew this wasn't true because he was drawing detailed dinosaurs at home.
He hasn't sat down to draw in a really long time. It used to be the first thing he did when he got up in the mornings. I hope he gets back to it, but lately he says that he isn't good at drawing. He just wants everything to look realistic and perfect, and gets upset when he can't do it. I can relate to how he feels, but wish I could help him get over it!
What a great self portrait. I think it looks very much like him!