Friday, May 1, 2009

1st game - Go Panthers!

Tonight was Lio's 1st T-Ball game!  I was so proud of him.  He didn't seem nervous at all, and once he realized that the big trophy comes at the end of the season, not after the 1st game, we were all good.  The purple Panthers were in the outfield first, and Lio actually stopped a rolling ball and threw it in.  After that, any ball that was in his area he ran after!  It was pretty cute seeing the little purple swarm go after those balls.  When it was his turn to bat, he did a great job and got to run through the bases.  I was pleasantly surprised at the "philosophy" of the T-Ball league - they don't keep track of runs, there are no strikes (if the kids don't hit the ball after 5 or so pitches they bring the T out - this is where Lio is), and they let everyone on the team have a chance at bat before the teams trade spots.  It's not competitive and was just lots of fun.  The other team's coach even helped our guys out when they were up at bat.  I hope Lio has fun, and that we have a great season.  Go Panthers!

1 comment:

  1. so glad that it was a good experience! love that his number is "1"...he's definitely #1 in our book!:-)
