We decided to take a little trip to Loveland Castle yesterday. John and I had been there about 10 years ago, and knew it would be the perfect place to take Lio to let his imagination go! He was pretty excited - lots of questions about dungeons, dragons and knights.

The castle was built in the 1920's by a man who used to go adventuring with a group of boys - camping, hiking, etc. They called themselves the Knights of the Golden Trail, and since they called themselves "Knights", the man decided they needed a castle. He worked on it until he died in his 80's. It's a pretty quirky place, but also pretty cool to imagine what that whole experience must have been like for those boys. We had lots of fun exploring the castle and the gardens - a perfect little field trip for a boy into dragons!
this looks pretty cool! i'd love to go there myself sometime. you must give me the details.