The other day, Lio saw a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge, and told John that he's been there before. John informed him that no, he has never been there. John went on to explain that when he and I lived in San Francisco, Lio wasn't born yet. So Lio told John that he was in my tummy at the time. John informed him again that no, I wasn't pregnant with him yet. Then Lio told John that he was there, in the form of a seed in John's penis.
(A few weeks ago Lio had a lot of questions about how babies were made. He is so scientific, and so black and white, and so smart, that I had a hard time coming up with answers that were real, but appropriate for his 5 year old self! I finally changed the subject, but he must have still caught on a little bit.)
Hmmm....I wonder how long a "seed" aka sperm is actually in a man's body and if they die out if not 'used'. Regardless, Lio was definitely a twinkle in his daddy's eyes!