Thursday, April 30, 2009
Flies Beware
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
A Perfect Day
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
honk honk
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
a day at the zoo
Paloma fell asleep in the car on the way home, as usual. I think I may make her run some errands with me after dinner since she will probably be up until 10 tonight. I am on a mission to find her some simple sandals for the summer, but am having the hardest time finding anything that's not obnoxious in color or style, and in my price range!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Birthday Cookies

I just got his dragon cookie cutter in the mail, and I am sure it is going to take me over 3 hours to decorate them for his class. (Easily 3 - I'm betting on longer.) And the cookies are going to be huge! I know it's going to be a lot of work, but I'm sort of looking forward to seeing how they turn out.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Butterfly Show
Today we went to the Annual Butterfly Show at the Krohn Conservatory. Lio and I went for the first time 6 years ago - he was only 2 weeks old! I have a beautiful picture of us while we were there that was taken by a stranger, and was later sent to me. I was holding sleeping little Lio, while a bright orange butterfly landed on my hand. Ever since then, it has been our tradition to go each year. (I am going to make it my mission to get a picture from each year that we've gone to share with you... but it's already too late tonight and I am so very tired.) It's something that we look forward to, and always are amazed at how beautiful, fragile and strong those creatures are.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Not a day goes by without Lio and Paloma asking for a kitten. Although I have had 3 cats in my life, I am not a cat person. I can honestly say that when those cats were gone from my life, I did not miss them at all. No sir. Not the hair all over my clothes. Not the hair balls on the rugs. Not the scratches on the furniture. Not the vet bills. Will a pet ever be a part of our lives? I would like to think so since the kids seem to love animals so much. (But I secretly hope not.)
Paloma's favorite game of late has been playing "Pet Store". There is a script involved, where I have to always go into the room and say, "Are there any _________ (fill in with cats, dogs, etc.) available?" Then I have to pay for her and take her home and treat her like the animal. Sure it's fun for awhile, but every second of every day?
I'm not sure which will drive me more crazy - a real pet, or my Paloma pet. And don't even get me started on Lio's "Pet Store" pretend animal of choice, which is usually a dragon of some sort. And let me tell you, he gets mad if I'm not up on my dragon facts and don't know the proper way to care for him.
Monday, April 20, 2009
For the Birds
I am so happy that Lio and Paloma have the same love of birds that I do.
For the past few weeks we have been watching a pair of robins build their nest in a tree close to our house. The pair has been named "Mr. and Mrs. Spaghetti". We saw them working so hard to get a ribbon up to their tree to incorporate into the new home they were building. It looked like they were eating a long piece of spaghetti, hence their nicknames. There is also a pair of cardinals that have built their nest in another tree in our backyard. It's so nice seeing the couples each day, even though they do not seem to be the best of neighbors!
This past weekend, John bought a bird feeder and set it up right outside so we can see it from our kitchen table. Just today, we have seen lots and lots of action! There was a woodpecker with beautiful red feathers on its head, and the rest came with their mates - a pair of chickadees, our cardinal couple, a goldfinch pair, and a few others that we haven't seen before. It's going to be so great watching the birds and learning all of their names! Lio already has plans for a hummingbird garden in the works. I can't wait to see and hear all of our bird friends! I hope that one day I can get a good enough picture to share with you.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Last night I went to Lio's T-Ball practice. It was exactly what you would expect from 5 and 6 year olds learning to play an organized sport. I'm not counting on any athletic scholarships for him to get through college, but I do hope that he has fun and learns that you need to practice to do anything better! The cutest part about the whole night was watching him throw.... kisses that is. To me. His mommy. I think he was glad I was there.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Triops Flops

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I just bought this Uglydoll Journal for Lio today. I thought that during his "quiet time" he could do a little writing. He was very excited about it - kept asking when it was time to begin. I hope that it's something he enjoys and gets into the routine of doing. His first entry was very sweet:
He's excited to share it with John when he gets home from work. I'm excited to see how it will evolve!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Happy Thoughts
Monday, April 13, 2009
Climbing Trees and Climbing Walls
We had a nice day visiting Columbus yesterday. The weather was warm and sunny, and perfect for hunting Easter eggs! Lio and Paloma had so much fun playing with their cousins. They have reached the age where they aren't as shy and can run off with the older kids and just play silly games. Paloma was her adventurous self and attempted to climb a tree after watching a few cousins try. Glad she still had her helmet on from riding bikes!
Both kids fell fast asleep in the car on the drive home, and of course woke up as soon as we reached Cincinnati. It was just in time to have a quick bite to eat, and then back to bed for the night. I was surprised they went to bed so easily since neither one of them naps. They must have been worn out from the fresh air and fun!
After yesterday's climbing of trees, today we are all climbing the walls a bit. It's always hard to get back to normal after a day away, not to mention a day away that was filled with eating Easter Bunny candy and cookies. There have been many melt downs today, and we all just need a little quiet time. I'm hoping tonight it's early to bed, and that tomorrow we will all have a better day!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Happy Easter
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Mammoth Cave
Our tour was 2 hours long, but seemed to go pretty quickly. There were lots and lots of steps, and really amazing stalactites and stalagmites to see. I would love to go back when the kids are a bit older. They even have spelunking tours that would be very fun!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
How much is this worth?
Next thing I know, Lio is asking me to pay him to do things around the house. Who in the world introduced this kid to the concept of an allowance?! I never got one as a kid. I was expected to do things around the house to help because I was a part of the family. It was my job. As much as I didn't like it at the time, I do understand it now.
But at the same time, I want him to understand that things cost money, and you have to save money, and you have to make good decisions about what to spend money on. I think we are going to keep the idea that he is a part of the family and is expected to help out, but also give him the opportunity to do extra things to earn a little cash.
During our Spring clean-up outside last weekend, there were millions of sticks and twigs in the yard from all of the crazy storms we've seen over the past year. I told Lio that he could earn some money by helping to pick up as many sticks as he could. He did end up with a pretty big pile, and didn't complain at all along the way. How much do you think a big pile of sticks is worth?
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Toasting Marshmallows
Monday, April 6, 2009
The Seed

(A few weeks ago Lio had a lot of questions about how babies were made. He is so scientific, and so black and white, and so smart, that I had a hard time coming up with answers that were real, but appropriate for his 5 year old self! I finally changed the subject, but he must have still caught on a little bit.)
Friday, April 3, 2009
Instant Gratification
*John and Lio have Spring Break next week, so we're having a "Staycation" and going on little road trips that aren't too far from home. Will keep you posted on our adventures later in the week! Spring Break always makes me wish for our Vieques trips. Sigh.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Feeding Ducks and Hopping Rocks
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April Fools!
Pretty yucky, right? This was the start of our April Fools Day. I saw some really cute ideas for fun tricks to play on kids in April's issue of Family Fun magazine. (Post a comment if you're interested in getting a year's subscription for $4.95!!!) I put a few drops of food coloring at the bottom of the cereal bowl, then hid it by pouring the cereal on top. When Lio and Paloma poured their milk in, it turned green! Lio thought it was mold, and Paloma just looked a little confused. April Fools!
After a great day of playing outside, I offered the kids some fruit punch. That should have been their 1st clue that something was up. When have I ever offered a sugary sweet drink out of the blue?! The punch was actually some jello. April Fools!

The last trick up my sleeve was giving them a wormy apple. While Lio wasn't around, Paloma and I carved a hole into an apple and stuck the worm in. She's usually so good at keeping secrets, but this one was too much! She kept talking to Lio about worms, so he was ready for it.
Tonight we are having breakfast for dinner to end this April Fools. Hope yours was a fun one!
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