We just got back from a quick trip to Columbus to visit the cousins. (We missed you, Crossmans!) Lio and Paloma always have a great time playing, and it's great for me to see them laughing and so at ease. After being sick at home for the 2 consecutive "5 day fevers", they needed some fun and to be preoccupied with other playmates so they would quit annoying each other. I know it's completely normal for siblings to pick on each other. I wish I was better at just letting it play itself out. But it drives me insane to hear them. The times that I have had the strength to wait it out, they seem to stop on their own and work it out. But I'm usually not that strong, and can't wait that long! I really want them to grow up close and be best friends. I guess the fact that they know exactly what buttons to push should comfort me in that they really "get" each other, and that maybe someday they will use this knowledge and power for good and not evil.
*Due to the fact that Lio hides whenever I take the camera out, the majority of posts may include pictures of Paloma. I love them both!!! And I will make it my mission to get some good pictures of that little boy! In this one, I had to pretend that I wasn't trying to get him.
So sweet! We missed you too. mc