Tuesday, March 31, 2009


We went for an impromptu hike in the woods to enjoy the great weather and to get some energy out.  Not expecting to go too far or stay too long, we didn't change into our mud boots.  I was so sorry that we hadn't!  The creek was too tempting to stay away, so we just went jumping from mossy rock to mossy rock, sometimes slipping into the water.  Both Lio and Paloma have gotten so adventurous!  Paloma was trying her hardest to keep up with Lio, while at the same time coming back to hold my hand for reassurance every once in awhile.  Lio loved taking the lead and choosing where to go next.  We always have such an adventure when we go, and need to remember to go more often!

Monday, March 30, 2009


I'm really torn about Paloma giving up her naps.  I would love for her to be done - it gives us so much more freedom in the afternoons, and putting her to bed at night is a breeze.  Most days she is fine without her nap, but then there are those days when she has her "quiet time" and doesn't fall asleep, but is a wreck for most of the afternoon.  Sleepy and clingy, but it's way too late to take a nap.  The days she does take a nap she's up until 10, so I don't even want to imagine what a late afternoon nap would mean!  Maybe this summer it won't be such a big deal if she's up later, and hopefully her body would adjust and she could sleep longer in the mornings.  Transitions are always hard.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

They "get" each other

We just got back from a quick trip to Columbus to visit the cousins.  (We missed you, Crossmans!)  Lio and Paloma always have a great time playing, and it's great for me to see them laughing and so at ease.  After being sick at home for the 2 consecutive "5 day fevers", they needed some fun and to be preoccupied with other playmates so they would quit annoying each other.  I know it's completely normal for siblings to pick on each other.  I wish I was better at just letting it play itself out.  But it drives me insane to hear them.  The times that I have had the strength to wait it out, they seem to stop on their own and work it out.  But I'm usually not that strong, and can't wait that long!  I really want them to grow up close and be best friends.  I guess the fact that they know exactly what buttons to push should comfort me in that they really "get" each other, and that maybe someday they will use this knowledge and power for good and not evil.

*Due to the fact that Lio hides whenever I take the camera out, the majority of posts may include pictures of Paloma.  I love them both!!!  And I will make it my mission to get some good pictures of that little boy!  In this one, I had to pretend that I wasn't trying to get him.   

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Planting Seeds

This morning Paloma and I planted wheat grass seeds to get ready for Easter baskets.  I planted a few extra containers just to get some green and springtime into the house.  We love growing wheat grass - it seems to sprout over night and it's just really fun watching it grow!  In about a week, the first few blades will be peeking out, and then it just grows and grows and grows.  I like the look of it so much better than the shredded plastic grass that is usually used to fill Easter baskets.  I think the Easter Bunny likes it better, too.  He can have a little healthy nibble of it before he hops away to fill other baskets at other houses.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Goofy Girl

I love this goofy girl!  I always see so much of John in her personality, but she does have a little bit of me in her.  Just last night I heard her sweet little voice talking in her sleep.  That's what she gets from me.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Art Show

Tonight we went to the Art Show at Lio's school.  It was really fun seeing all of the work the kids have created.  The pink house that Lio is standing next to is supposed to be our house, but there was definitely a formula going on since all of the kids seem to live in similar houses!  I was expecting this when Lio came home from school and told me 5th graders were helping all of the kindergardeners with their art that day for the show.  It's amazing how different art teachers can be, but I knew this just from how different John and I teach!  Being at the show made me miss teaching a little bit... there's just nothing like seeing little kid art.  I am proud of Lio.  I wonder if making art will be important to him when he grows up?  I hope so.  I also hope that he learns to really appreciate being creative, original and unique.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Just look at that concentration.  There is some really hard work going on. Words, numbers, spelling.  Gosh, it's tough being in kindergarten.  Tough doing all of this BUSY work.  All of this busy work is keeping him from his true passion in life.  

Ahhhhh.  Almost done.  He just can't wait for it to be over so he can get on with what really matters in his day.

DS Time with his BFF Mario.  Now that is what really takes concentration.  Just look at that tongue hanging out.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Afternoon Splash

Both Lio and Paloma have Spring fevers now.  Lio is at the end of his week long fever, and is finally just running a low grade fever.  Paloma is now the one with the higher temps, so I guess we are in for another week of laying low.  To break up the day a bit, we decided to take an afternoon splash in the tub.  It always amazes me how content they are to play in the water for such a long time.  They are both really good at making tons of suds all over their bodies and hair, thanks to John who has made a fun game of it.  He sounds  like a sports broadcaster - announcing every bubble as they try to see who can make the most bubbles and who can get their bodies totally covered in suds.  

Thursday, March 19, 2009

More love

I got another big order for dovey love hair accessories!  (That term, "hair accessories", it just bugs me.  I would love to have another phrase.  Any ideas?)  I started working on the order last night - 1st choosing all of the color combinations.  It's the part that I have a love/hate relationship with. When it clicks, I'm in love.  When I just can't seem to get the color combinations right, it's torture.  I know that if I ever start a website or etsy shop I am going to have to have some set designs for people to order.  It will just make life so much easier than thinking each piece has to be special and unique.  And some great photos.  I'm practicing that part.

So I got all of the pom flower colors for barrettes, ponytails and headbands picked out.  It was actually nice having a little assembly line going... measuring and cutting and stacking.

Today I sewed the pom flowers together.  Tonight I'll be turning the flower poms into the "hair accessories".  I really do not like that term.  But I'm loving the love for my dovey love stuff.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Eyes on Art

This past weekend the roofers were pounding away, so we took a little field trip to the Art Museum.  There were 2 incredible shows that we wanted to see - contemporary folk art and surrealism.  Both shows were amazing!  The kids definitely connected with the child-like quality of the folk art - the colors, shapes and materials the artists use are so recognizable and easy to identify with.  Lio really seemed to like hearing about the artists and the things they used to make their art - from mud to metal to toys.  We saw a lot of Finster pieces, which made me remember the great time that John and I had when we visited his Paradise Garden outside of Atlanta so many years ago.  Howard himself (a Reverend) even offered to marry us, but we just weren't ready.  That would have made a great wedding story!  The Surrealist show was fun, too.  Paloma and I made a game out of how many floating eyes and body parts we could find - and there were lots!  She found a breast sculpture particularly fascinating.  From across the room she pointed out all of the nipples to me!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Fevers

It is absolutely gorgeous outside!  I have spring fever in the worst way.  I can't wait for the warmer weather to be here to stay.  Goodbye coats, hats, mittens and boots!  We all seem to be much happier when we can get outside and get fresh air.  And boy do we need it this week.  Lio has been running a fever since Sunday and has been home from school.  I think he's pretty happy about not going to kindergarten, and that really makes my heart sad.  Paloma is running a little fever now, too.  I guess we all have Spring Fever in our own way.


Monday, March 16, 2009

dovey love order

I spent most of Sunday working on filling orders for dovey love headbands and barrettes.  I really like creating custom pieces for people!  The collaboration can spark ideas that I wouldn't have tried myself, and can create some pretty wonderful outcomes.  I love the little panda face on the headband, and I think when Paloma saw it she fell in love, too.  Looks like I will be making some for her, too!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Beautiful Garlands

I saw these beautiful garlands first on the sweet fine day blog, then tracked them down to the pam garrison blog.  I love how just simple coffee filters are used to create such a beautiful thing.  I have all of the filters ready, and even know how I'm going to display them.  Now I just need to get started!  If I ever get them done, I'll post a picture of the final outcome of them hanging on the branches in our family room.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Too many choices

As usual, Paloma wanted to pick out her own barrette today.  There were just too many to choose from, so she had the brilliant idea to wear all of the animals at once.  How smart - maybe she should be my marketing director or stylist for the doveylove line!  (still figuring our color quality on photos - sorry!)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Paloma and I practiced numbers while playing a mean game of hopscotch.  It's amazing how she totally gets the game!  Just last Fall she would hop on the course like a bunny rabbit, and now she has the coordination to jump on the numbers with 2 feet to 1 with ease.  She is getting to be such a big girl. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

THE Prize

Lio came home from school today with the silliest glasses!  He won a random prize, and was so excited to tell me all about it. Of course we had to try them out right away.  You put one end of the glasses in a drink, the other end in your mouth, and sip away while the drink travels all the way through the glasses! Lots of fun!  We quickly figured out that water would be the best choice for a drink, because the milk was impossible to clean out.  And I couldn't throw them out.  Because he saves EVERYTHING.  And has the memory of an elephant.  And would come looking for them.  And I would feel terrible sneaking them in the garbage.  And telling a white lie about it.  I love that kid.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Fairies and Dragons

The sun was out today so we decided to play!  
Paloma found some beautiful green moss in the yard, 
so we decided to make a Fairy House.

Later tonight I will sprinkle some glitter on the 
moss carpet as proof that the fairies visited!

Of course, Lio decided we couldn't leave the 
dragons out, and made a little nest for his friend.